Friday, June 24, 2011

His Lady

I have just have so many things on my mind lately from love to career. Sometimes I ask myself am I making the right decisions or am I going the wrong way... I have been reading this book by TD Jakes named His Lady and it covers some of everything that you could feel from anxiety to worrying and it gives you a scripture to go with it. Well this morning I was just emotionally all over the place and I got to the section of the book about "longing" and how we wait for things and how our minds just focus on that one thing so much that we lose sight of everything else. The verse that went with it was from Luke 11:9-10 and reads "And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks receives. Everyone who seeks, finds." And the door is always opened to evryone who knocks." Well I felt slapped in the face. Sometimes we can take a situation and just focus on it so much until it feels like our eyeballs are going to pop out of our head. I mean really. I am so glad that my relationship with God is so special that he knows just how to reach me and when to reach me. I could not sleep last night worrying about a situation and a certain aspect of my life but now I feel at peace because I know that God has placed what I need to do in my heart. Often times we lead with our minds and think we know everything and guess what.... We mess it up worse than what we did before but God always looks at our hearts and maybe it is time I pay a little mroe attention to what is in mine and focus on that and not what I think all the time. Textbooks prepare me for work but the Bible prepares me for life and maybe I should spend a little more time reading that than other things. I am finding out so many things about myself that I never knew before by just spending a little quality time with God.

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