Monday, March 7, 2011

Saying Goodbye

Why is saying goodbye so hard to do even when we know it is the right thing to do? There has been someone in my life that I should have let go a long time ago but I couldn't because we were always such close friends. When I say close I mean really close. I told this person everything and we went through so much together but there were just certain things about the situation that I knew were not right and I know that God is keeping my blessing because of it. I was told on three separate occasions by three different prophets that there was someone in my life that I needed to let go and in my heart I knew who it was but I was just not ready to say goodbye. There were just so many different things that were running through my head and my heart that I just did not know what to do until now. People are in your lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. I can not have my lifetime person if I continue holding on to my seasonal person. They have fulfilled their purpose in my life and I am comfortable with moving on. I am at peace with my decision whereas I was not before. When you do the right thing God will give you a sense of peace and that is what I now have and I can move on in my life with a clean heart.

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